Monday, May 10, 2010

Psalm 91

I have been telling people for the last few days that God is faithful and that I will be returning to work soon. In faith a gave Bryant more money for his mission trip to India. I said it was a faith builder for him and for me. He didn't know I was not working, he might not have agreed to come and pick up the cash. Instead he prayed for me. I sent a check for Colin's trip to Mexico. We are planning a celebration for when Scott gets in from Austin.

Not to presume... but if I go back to work it will not have set me back at all. In fact I will be better off. You do the math... I can't explain it or why when I got out of my car today I notice a car with the licence plate 91 PSLM as I was going into the building for an interview. And I knew the Psalm because I memorized it when I was ill and it was God's promise for provision and protection. No harm has come to me, God has provided.

So I am telling you... no harm has come to me. God will provide because I trust in Him.