Thursday, December 9, 2010


“I won’t know what to do with myself.”

My friend laughs. He knows me too well and smiles. This is an adventure already with lots of twists and turns. Next Saturday I walk the stage. Tonight I cross a threshold when I hand in my final exam and tell my professor this is my last class. She smiles and I cry as I walk in the cool dark air into the parking lot back to my car.

“I won’t know what to do with myself.”

I pray in the car on the way home and am grateful for the events that led me back to school, for the people who encouraged me and made a way. I am grateful I have persevered for 6 years and have finished with honors. I ask God what He wants to do with all this? What’s next?
For now, I just want to lean back, read a book of my choosing, finish some drawings, and learn to really use my camera, decorate the house for Christmas, and breathe deep. I know this is a gift from God, the whole thing. I have a better understanding how He has fashioned me during this time. I had someone whisper in my ear last weekend that my life is just beginning, get ready. I am ready to take off, to flourish and thrive. I am ready for what’s next. I am expectant.