Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007

I have been trying all week to get ready to go up to school to get a few new painting started by getting them blown up on the canvas. I need to print my files out and I am still priming the canvas with gesso. I got the last of the canvas I have stretched and ready to gesso.

I need to order. I get my stretches from AWS online. I buy canvas at Joann’s fabric I try to get a 50% off coupon online. I buy gesso by the gallon at Michael’s with a 40% off coupon. I need new brushed too. I try to get everything with a coupon from Michaels. That means I will go every week.

Paintings in my “body of work” so far:

Or in the Name of the Lord. Almost done. No changes. It represents where I left off after the class I have with John.


Cassie's photo

Cassie Photoshopped

In progress

In progress. I talked to Sean and Cassie tonight about the background. The original photo has a plant in it. In Photoshop it got lost in the composition. I was going to bring some definition into it, but I decided I wanted to do something else. I want to put something in the background that would express Cassie’s identity. I wanted to do it in a wallpaper. Sean suggested a Welsh Corgi motif. Cassie has a Welsh Corgi named Ginger that they both adore. So will be repeating a Welsh Corgi silhouette in a wallpaper behind Cassie in the painting. Also the text Ginger will appear somewhere in the work although just a suggestion of it. This use of text I hope to relate to how I will execute the poem in the “Moon Motive” work.

I plan to work on Cassie tomorrow.

Lion of Judah
This is really an illustration. Since I am going in the use of text I want to rethink the painting and may add text. I am not sure.

Red is the four self portraits. I need to purchase supplies for one more canvas, I have three. I do not want to start this until I have all four. I am going to change the color of my shirt in each painting but I haven’t decided on the colors. One will be red. Since I am adding text and as I cleaned my brushes tonight the moon was out and it was lovely and there was a breeze and my heart said...
Deep down
in my soul
the moon
is full
So that is the text.

I want to do two large canvases. I have one near ready and one to purchase yet.

Hear No Evil See No Evil Speak No Evil
This is a fun portrait I took of my best friend forever and her daughter when they visited last November. As I look back over my year it is my favorite. And fun. I will use the text Hear No Evil See No Evil Speak No Evil in it.

Scott as Jonah
I was going to enter an art show at a church in Arkansas put on by the same man who did the show at Park Cities Presbyterian this year. I didn’t have time to do the art, but I heard the show was really good and a lot of artwork sold. Anyway I had Scott pose a Jonah for me sitting in front of a vine that grows in our back yard. We did the angry Jonah who was upset the people of Nineveh repented. The very funny thing was later that week our land lord was here and he does not like the vine. Before I could say anything he ripped it out and the vine was lying in the grass. Fortunately the vine came back, because like Jonah I am rather fond of that vine! Scott and I got a kick out of that illustration.

Sky Watcher Series
Moon Motives and Sky

Now for the works in masonite. These will be on a grid. They are the first of what I am calling sky watcher pieces. I got this idea over the summer as I was riding my bike. I am a sky watcher. I wanted to start photographing the sunsets and do them in a painting with each grid piece a different day and piece of the sky at sunset. Then when I wrote the moon poem I decided to do one of the moon. Years ago I did one of the moon and haiku. It was a watercolor and was accepted into a show at the Brevard Art Center in Melbourne FLA for the juried exhibit they have each year. It was a big deal. I got in, but my friend Kathy didn’t and neither did my watercolor instructor. The judge was looking for different. That was me.

It is late... more picture in the a.m.

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