Thursday, September 20, 2007

Chalk and thoughts to Ponder.

I painted at school today before the bi-weekly life drawing meeting.

(A random note stuck here only makes sense when I am this tired. The red top in the RUTHIE AD is a painting shirt besides being red......... that is all.)

I messed up chalk. But what I am going to do is paint over it in white, let the color bleed through and paint on top. It just got too busy with too much color. It is fine because the original art work was covered over and over. That was the inspiration.

I worked on Cassie a little bit and I think I am almost done. The divorce is done except the leaves on the plant. I like it more and more and I like the idea of trying to make something beautiful out of trash. That is what I am trying to do with my life, take the garbage that has been thrown my way and turn it into something beautiful. I was walking the art piece through the campus and I girl called out to me from across the parking lot, “hey that is beautiful.” That was very nice. I like that about UTD. People will stop and look at your art and comment.

I will be starting on the monkey painting. It is large 48 x 36 and it had three figures and I am adding text. SO I am over achieving, showing off. I will be finishing up Emily who is the same size.

The stretcher canvas in its box on the dining room table and maybe it will start to come together this weekend.

I am supposed to go to an art exhbit with Carolen. She is letting me pick it out, so I need to get with it and arrange that!

Like I am not busy. But I just felt like I needed to see art and then Carolen asked me to go with her for Humanities class.

We talked about the stained glass and how connected her family is to it, but they are gone too. I am banned from it. That is still amazing to me. I don’t think that is God’s will. It just seems wrong to ban an artist from their art. The reason? You explain it to me. I don’t honestly know.

Stained glass concept artist

Chalk before I messed it up.

Friday, September 14, 2007

When I paint I am content

but after about 3 hours my arms hurt. I enjoyed this evening. Worked on three pieces. The divorce piece which I guess needs a title. Emly or In the Name of the Lord. And the quilt like piece called Chalk.

MY STRETCHERS arrive just in time to be in the mix of my move. Should I begin to piece them together or should I move them to the house in the "ground" boxes which by the way COST me more than 2 Day Air. Go figure. ASW I will go with Cheap Joe's next time. You have ticked me off.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Art interrupted.

Man. The house I am renting is in foreclosure and I was served an eviction notice today. I am moving, God willing into my new house in two weeks. I signed a contact tonight and in light of the circumstances the real estate agent is moving the closing day up ASAP. Lots of loose ends and I now for real will have to paint at school. I am almost done with Cassie and my first assignment.

Pictures are worth a thousand word
Cassie one day last week...

Cassie as of this week. I am almost done.

I decided with Sean her boyfriend and my son to add more detail. From the moment I started to paint this one I have really liked it. There are few spots I want to deal with, but all in all I am happy.


The day I went to court and signed those divorce papers.

My counselor says I looked sad. Actually in the photos I didn't, but that sadness got in there somehow, so I am leaving it. It has been a rough year.

A work in progress I guess.

Art will go on.

I am going to concentrate next on Emily and the Monkey one as I call it. Really it is, Hear No Evil.