Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Art interrupted.

Man. The house I am renting is in foreclosure and I was served an eviction notice today. I am moving, God willing into my new house in two weeks. I signed a contact tonight and in light of the circumstances the real estate agent is moving the closing day up ASAP. Lots of loose ends and I now for real will have to paint at school. I am almost done with Cassie and my first assignment.

Pictures are worth a thousand word
Cassie one day last week...

Cassie as of this week. I am almost done.

I decided with Sean her boyfriend and my son to add more detail. From the moment I started to paint this one I have really liked it. There are few spots I want to deal with, but all in all I am happy.


The day I went to court and signed those divorce papers.

My counselor says I looked sad. Actually in the photos I didn't, but that sadness got in there somehow, so I am leaving it. It has been a rough year.

A work in progress I guess.

Art will go on.

I am going to concentrate next on Emily and the Monkey one as I call it. Really it is, Hear No Evil.

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