Sunday, February 3, 2008

Eve is Finished

Finishing a work of art is like finishing a fast. Same sensation. Feeling of "it is finished", I have done what was asked. I now set it aside and the evaluation begins. I place the art where I can see it and I look it over and over again. I need some distance. The fast finished, I write, I journal. Maybe I have a conversation and some blanks are filled it. I start a fast with a question. I start a work of art with an answer to a question... or so I think. In the process my perspective changes. As others weigh in it becomes what art was intended to be; a dialogue. Fasting enable a deeper conversarion with the One who sustains us. Art gives us a way to comunicate beyond the ordinary.

So lets converse and enjoy this call we have to create and connect and worship.

Eve is finshed but she is not yet over with as she will be place in relationship with Adam and the tree.

The tree is being watercolored. Adam will be done in graphite. Although I am tempted to leave it a photo. This is mixed media and I make up the rules. Scott is going to supply the text in tagging and all will be placed in PhotoShop. It will be printed on a Canon copier, both B & W and color. I think also I may take it to Kinkos and go the canvas route I have been meaning to explore. Then one of three versions will be an oil glaze. For that I will need to go to Michael's my drug of choice for a fix; art supplies........ I never have enough. I am sitting here with 3 tins of drawing pencils.
For Scott's contributions to the work we will enter the work as a team submission.
Art is process.. a series of decisions and accidents and ventures into the unknown.

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