Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Place Where God Speaks

Even as the day fades
And the night arises
My heart waits

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I hate Valentine's Day... the English assignment

Writing Exercise 2 (February 2004, speaks for itself)
1. Andrew Sullivan’s argument in the essay, “The Love Bloat,” is that the value of romantic love in our culture has been elevated to a degree that it makes promises it cannot keep. Love is an illusive emotion that can not be contained nor sustained. People fail to give credit to better expressions of love like faithfulness and kindness that are acts of the will, choices we make daily.
Sullivan assertions are a bit exaggerated especially love “If taken too seriously, it kills.” (843) His assertions highlight the truth that people who take these cultural myths about love seriously, and make decisions like whether to divorce or not based on them, are being mislead.
2. I have seen Sullivan on T.V. shows like Hardball and find he is an intense and interesting man who can’t be categorized politically. I consider him an independent thinker. His references to accomplished writers of the past and present like Shakespeare and Rousseau, Alan Bloom, conservative Professor of sociology, and Noel Coward, self educated Renaissance man, give you the impression he is well read.
Being married for 25 years I have seen romance come and go and have learned to embrace it when it appears but not demand it from life. I appreciate Sullivan’s alternatives. I would describe my relationship with my husband as not glamorous but deeply satisfying, not without problems, but not without hope. It is not based on cultural definitions of love but on Biblical blueprints that have passed the test of time.
3 & 4. I agree with Sullivan’s assessment that love is“a blight, a joke, a slave for an empty emotional center.” (845) Romantic love as played out for us in movies is a form of escape. I think people find this romantic love in movies and books, but rarely in their lives and it gives them deep concern that something is amiss. They search for it like someone searches for an escape in a drug instead of looking to Sullivan’s alternatives of “affection, caring, friendship, the small favors of a husband for a wife after thirty years of marriage.” ( 844) Sullivan’s alternatives to romantic love I think describe his ideal marriage. He believes if we knock love off its “Hallmark pedestal,” there is hope we can find fulfillment in relationships. This pedestal is the mass marketing of sex and romance where beautiful, successful men and women laugh and drink beer without mention of the morning after hangover or regret.
5. I would rather have one good lover who is my husband. I believe men and women were created for that bond. When that bond is not there other relationships fill our common desire for companionship. Marriage requires the support of other relationships because no one person can fulfill all your needs although the myth of romantic love will tell you that.
Sexual equality exists in our society on the socioeconomic level of jobs, education and opportunities but does not change that fact that men and women are different. Opposites attract and men and women were made to complete each other. The emotional depth of a relationship between a man and a woman cannot be reproduced in a friendship. The commitment in marriage over a lifetime brings more to life than equal access to jobs no matter what a good step toward progress that is. Women no longer need men to survive physically. They are able to thrive without a romantic love relationship. When they do find a marriage partner they are better off without the needy expectation of an emotion that can’t last. So what place should romantic love have in our culture? Romantic love should be like a box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day, delicious but not the mainstay of our diet.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Wish I had some Daylight to photograph this

Origin of sin by Ruth and Scott Eshbaugh

Photocopies repel water and reflex overhead lights, unlike real artwork. O this is real. Scott prismacolor markered the tree. I primsmacolor penciled the sky on the right side to blend with the watercolor on the left. Eve in not pasted down and there is this demensional thing going on. We are very excited about the product and we loved the process and doing it together was great.

Artist Statement

“When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.” Genesis 3:6a NIV

A decisive moment in the story of mankind; a simple act of disobedience changed us forever. Where was Adam when Eve was deceived? He failed to watch over and protect her, eyes diverted; Adam had one foot out the door as Eve tasted the forbidden fruit.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Eve is Finished

Finishing a work of art is like finishing a fast. Same sensation. Feeling of "it is finished", I have done what was asked. I now set it aside and the evaluation begins. I place the art where I can see it and I look it over and over again. I need some distance. The fast finished, I write, I journal. Maybe I have a conversation and some blanks are filled it. I start a fast with a question. I start a work of art with an answer to a question... or so I think. In the process my perspective changes. As others weigh in it becomes what art was intended to be; a dialogue. Fasting enable a deeper conversarion with the One who sustains us. Art gives us a way to comunicate beyond the ordinary.

So lets converse and enjoy this call we have to create and connect and worship.

Eve is finshed but she is not yet over with as she will be place in relationship with Adam and the tree.

The tree is being watercolored. Adam will be done in graphite. Although I am tempted to leave it a photo. This is mixed media and I make up the rules. Scott is going to supply the text in tagging and all will be placed in PhotoShop. It will be printed on a Canon copier, both B & W and color. I think also I may take it to Kinkos and go the canvas route I have been meaning to explore. Then one of three versions will be an oil glaze. For that I will need to go to Michael's my drug of choice for a fix; art supplies........ I never have enough. I am sitting here with 3 tins of drawing pencils.
For Scott's contributions to the work we will enter the work as a team submission.
Art is process.. a series of decisions and accidents and ventures into the unknown.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Eve Today

She is coming along.

Something touched my heart tonight. It was unexpected. I had just begun my fast. You begin a fast by eating the last meal. It was torilla soup and chips, Dr. Pepper. Diet.

God broke my heart. I do not know what he is going to do with it. But that is what is. And if I have learned anything it is ya gotta go with what is. Especiallw when God gets your attention with it. I do not want to argue with Him, although I have been known to. He rules.