Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Self Portraits and Healing

I am looking at old photos trying to find the first self portraits I did. I was going to write about art class until I ran across another woman on Flickr who is doing self portraits as a way of healing. There is a group of them I really want to find. I found one called “A Matter of Time” Interesting to me this week because this week marks several events in my life.

The other was a series from the Hebrews mixed media portrait. They were more deliberate self portraits. I remember being very awkward as I did them.

This one was one of the first. I was trying to catch the pain in my face. There was some release in the taking of the pictures. It was the beginning of trying to deal with what was going on in my life at the time. There wasn’t a lot of self honesty. This was an attempt to see behind the appearance I kept up.

Then I am leaving this little exercise from this weekend. It captures feeling loved.


Liz said...

I love the most recent one!

Liz said...

Beyond art (which I love, as well), how else are you trying to heal? "Liquid Mirror" is a book that has all kinds of thoughts about helping you release your fears, deleting thoughts that come from fear and finding tools to help you with inner healing and living in the present. (There's beautiful artwork, too -- it helped make learning energy healing very simple.)
Just a thought...