Saturday, June 20, 2009

Father's Day Weekend

I need to study Algebra. That is why I am doing laundry and writing a blog. I am doing laundry before Scott gets back from Asia with a whole suitcase of dirty stuff. I missed him all week and thought about how soon he will be in Austin. So I must go to Austin this fall. But first I need to go to Ohio for my parents 60th Wedding Anniversary. Quite a feat, not really they are two of the sweetest people and love birds. My sister and husband have a “Bob and Freda scale of couple cuteness.”For real. Not that they haven’t had their challenges, me included. My dad had a lot to overcome which he did. In the power of Christ, he is one of the sweetest men I know. I have a weakness for sweet men now. They make me weak at the knees. I guess after the antitheists I am only interested in men who could compete in the “Bob and Freda scale of couple cuteness” and score well.

Which brings me to the email my dad sent this week…Wow! I guess I am just really blessed.

I have thoughts on my tired old mind. Some of which i will try to express to you in the evening hours of this good day. I suppose you all know I would not be a father if you my children did not make it into this good place. But you all made it. So here we are ---a family. I’m supposing that your earthly journey has been pleasant at least part of the Time. So here we are getting ready to celebrate the sixtieth year of the union which produced you all---my children I want to do something I have not done before. I want to thank you for the privilege I have had to be your father. The years have galloped by, and here we are at this point in time. This will be a time to be glad together, and reminisce together in love and understanding. I trust you are looking forward to our meeting with much anticipation. I am! but my thoughts are about you all tonight, and I just want to tell you all---you are loved---and thank you for allowing me to be your DAD. I’ll talk to you later.
Much love,
Your father

He sent this Monday. I guess he couldn’t wait until Sunday.

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