Saturday, June 21, 2008

Looking Back

I just wrote my prayer support a letter this morning saying I wasn't going to look back, but by request here are photos from last year. I chose ones I didn't post last year. Tried to find odd ones. Eliminated all that made me look old, fat or ugly. There were a lot where I looked tired. It was stress. I needed to get a job, my one at GNN was winding down to part time, very part time. I had lost child support and I hadn't been paid in three weeks. In the midst of that I took a vacation and then found a job in August, was evicted from the house in September (because my land lord defaulted in his loan.) So I really wasn't stressed yet. I am still moving into my house and I ask myself often... or maybe I should ask, "Can I relax yet?" I think I can a bit and enjoy myself. Life isn't half bad.

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