Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Little Plastic Red Gas Cans

People really do mess with my mind. I mean 4 realz. So after a hard day at work, I mean hard day.... I wanted to shoot the phone. I did threaten to and my boss shut my door and put me in time out. LOL.

I was interrupted a million times a million = a million squared which cannot, I repeat cannot be a rational number. You have to make it one to work with it, quiz me. I digress.........

I was interrupted from my scientific experiment in InDesign and the database merge. Almost a nerd. I no lie merged the excel file converted to a .cvs and created, I repeat, created 6,664 InDesign pages with one piece of data on each page. The LARGEST Home Owners Association Directory in history... so if you live in Canyon Creek I apologize, it is huge. I sent the files to my tech support person to figure out. He did the SAME thing last year before he figured it out. It is probably a simple setting. Go figure.

I get home and I sleep. See it restores my soul and makes it so I can study BEGINNING ALGEBRA (I am proud) and maybe write a how to article about cloth tissue holders. Don't mess with me you will get one as a stocking stuffer. (I opened your AMERICAN EAGLE playing cards for a photo shoot, sorry, but for a good cause.)

So I sleep and the phone rings......... it is Scott. He hesitates, did he wreck my bike again? No it needs a new WHEEL. He is OOG. That is out of gas at Walmart near the house.

I pull my sad body out of bed and take the Little Red Plastic Gas Can and help him out. (I am sending him to Chaipas with the man who collects Little Red Plastic Gas Cans and I wonder what other bad habits will he come back with?) GEE. Did we just hear about Little Red Plastic Gas Cans Collections in the sermon?

I think Scott is messing with me. But he was really out of gas at Walmart. So I went and helped and did not get mad, because Scott and I have an open honest relationship. And I had to pick up a few items I forgot when I shopped last week. :)

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