Sunday, June 29, 2008

Personal Revival

Many “youth concerts” I have been to, times of worship at DNOW, camps, conferences have historically been times that God has used to correct me and heal my emotions. I didn’t plan on it most of the time. Often I have been surprised by it. So, Friday in the midst of the youth night at Celebrate Freedom I had my own personal revival. Luis Palau spoke and gave an invitation. I used that time for renewal because in the environment, surrounded by the youth my son had come with I felt something was amiss. There was a strong presence of God and He urged me to let go of my bitterness and unforgiveness. This process seems endless to me, but the issues I deal with and have dealt with are huge in human terms. The more He reveals to me, the more I see the impossibility of me humanly forgiving. The Father does not want me to carry this anymore. I know it effects my thought patterns, my view of life, my view of myself and what saw in my quiet time in the midst of the multitude was my distorted view of God. How do you let things go? I decided to believe what the evangelist was saying and praying and on the basis that I am forgiven. I forgive and I offered up all my hurt and pain, the misunderstandings, the hurtful words and let them be taken into the Father’s loving care. I decided to not take them with me when I left.
Then we danced like David did.

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