Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Bloggin’

To tell the truth I haven’t looked forward to Christmas for many reasons. But it is here and I am pleasantly surprised that I am ok. I cooked all day and Scott and Tori are coming over to eat soon. We sort of didn’t plan things. I just wanted to do what I wanted to do. The fact that I cooked on Christmas borders on the miraculous and shows that God has done a healing work in my life. One of the ways I shut down during the divorce was not being able to cook. I just couldn’t do it anymore, or only with dread.

I have been drinking chocolate coffee. There is a candle burning called Christmas Eve. I have been playing Christmas music alone in the house; the boys are off at their girls friends. That is the way it should be. Bryant, Miles and Collin stopped by on their way to South Dallas to minister to the homeless. They borrowed my CD player so they can dance.

I am at peace with the world for now and grateful for some time off work. I have been taking photos of Christmas, like a diary to remember.

I called my parents and thanked them for all they do to help me and to tell them I am looking forward to seeing them in two weeks. They said it is supposed to be 50 there tomorrow. Maybe it won’t be too cold when I get there. Who knows?

I am starting to get excited about the direction God is nudging me in even though I feel awkward and maybe even foolish. But sometimes it is better to be a fool than play it safe. I would rather people say I was a fool than be known for playing it safe when all is said and done. But maybe when you are following after God and listening to His heart, then that is the best, no matter what people think. After all the crap I have been through, why should I even waste the energy to type even a thought about what people think. People talk that is a given, glad I can give them something to talk about.

But in the end, what I want is this, to know I listened to God.
The kids are on their way over, I am going to set the table.

Merry Christmas!!

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