Monday, December 29, 2008

Faith Walk

Have you ever heard the voice of God? Does He speak to you? What do we mean by that, when we say God speaks? When the Spirit brings to mind a specific scripture to use in the situation we find ourselves in, God speaks. We may hear a sermon and know what is preached applies to our situation, God speaks through our pastor. We may have a friend speak truth to us, God speaks through our friend. Sometimes it is a still soft voice that isn’t audible but a voice none the less that answers a prayer, God speaks to us directly. The Bible says we will know his voice, just like a sheep knows the voice of the shepherd. John 10:14

When Chris LaRue spoke to us on Sunday he asked the question, "have you ever heard Jesus speak to you? If you have, what was the last thing He said to you and what is your response to that going to be? Are we as individuals and as a church body going to act on these things in faith based on what was said to us? What are we going to do with what Jesus tells us?”


I fast and pray regularly with expectation that God will speak to me. He usually does. I don’t know how it works, just that is does. I can’t explain it. He has given me two specific words in the last few weeks, speaking to my situation. He has given me an unexpected but definite change of direction. Not that I was entirely caught off guard. He has a way of preparing us in advance, we just don’t always know until the circumstances present themselves. Sometimes God speaks before I fast, preparing me for the fast. Sometimes He speaks during the fast. But most often he speaks when I break fast.

As I begin the new year I have these specific words to me in my mind. I am letting them seep through my thoughts and color my perception. I have written them in my journal. As I make decisions amd interpret situations I will remember these truths. I will share them at the right time… for now they are to ponder in my heart.

We are responsible for what we know. When we study a scripture we become responsible for its application in our life. As people speak truth into our lives we again are responsible for that message. In taking these divine messages and applying them to our lives we become obedient to God. When we act according to them even though our circumstances don’t make our way clear, we walk by faith not sight. We chose to walk by faith not what we see, what we want to see or what we hope to see.

Chris said something I thought was profound. He said that the house of faith is built on the character of God. We trust in Him, who He is, His promises. How our house looks depends on us, it depends on our obedience to what we know of God.

2 Corinthians 5:7

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