Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Bible Permits Divorce for Nonphysical Domestic Abuse

IOWA CITY, Iowa, Mar. 4 /Christian Newswire/ -- At a time when many Evangelicals insist the Bible prohibits divorce for physical abuse, Waneta Dawn, author of "Behind the Hedge," a novel that portrays abuse in a Christian family, says nonphysical domestic abuse desecrates and breaks the marriage covenant, and is biblical cause for divorce.

A survivor of abuse, and former men's group facilitator for a Department of Corrections batterers intervention program, Waneta Dawn understands the dynamics of abuse from personal and professional experience. She has crafted a powerful story that illustrates how an abuser's sinful pattern of power, control and entitlement permeates every aspect of his family's life, and fractures the mental, social, and spiritual health of each family member, including the abuser's.

Says Dawn, "Over time, controlling behaviors tend to escalate--too often to fatal physical violence. Abuse hinders God's intention for marriage, which is to develop Christ-like character in both spouses, to build a mutually cherishing relationship where spouses consult with and yield to one another, and to provide a safe and loving environment for nurturing children."

"Behind the Hedge" shatters the myth that one incident of physical domestic violence is an isolated knee-jerk response sparked by a fault or act of the victim. Physical violence is a sledgehammer the abuser selects from his tool-belt of devices to dominate his wife and children.

Compounding the devastation, pastors, judges, and child-protection services often toss wife and children into the lap of their tormenter, instead of prosecuting him. Children who live with abusers, tend to resign themselves to the awfulness, or copy the abuser and transmit the destruction to the next generation.

"Behind the Hedge" follows Yvette, a hardworking farmwife, as she grapples with biblical submission, and protects their daughter, Tanya. While Yvette craves warmth and love, her husband, Luke, twists scripture to force compliance from her. After discovering Luke's theology is non-biblical, Yvette applies scriptural truth that sets her free, endeavors to correct the beliefs of their teenaged sons, Greg and Kyle, and offers Luke an opportunity for redemption.

Published by Xulon Press, "Behind the Hedge, A novel," winner of the 2008 Christian Choice Books Awards, is an excellent resource for learning biblical and compassionate responses to the controversial, but urgent, issue of domestic abuse among Christians. Waneta Dawn is available for comment at 1(319) 471- 5276 or email at
Christian Newswire

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