Saturday, March 7, 2009

Two Things

When I pray, especially when I am fasting I pay particularly close attention to what happens next concerning my prayers.

Today two events were significant. The first was an email from my counselor which included a reading assignment. When I receive these, I usually write about them too. Before I delve into that I want to write about the other significant event.

Art With Brenda

"As for me, I will walk in my integrity,
Redeem me, be merciful with me.
My foot is on a level place.
In the congregation, I will bless Your name."
Psalm 26:11-12

I went gallery hopping with my friend Brenda this afternoon. This was the verse she recently decided to memorize. She spoke this truth to me as we sat at Star Buck talking about Art Ministry. We are beginning to work out the plans to start a Christian visual arts group. Both of us have discussed this with our respective pastors over the last month. We each were unaware of the other ones activity. We decided this was something we need to do together. We think the draw to the group should be city wide. We have the tentative support of our churches.

We are officially in the discovery stage. Brenda is going to investigate the possibility of us starting a chapter of CVAA, the Christian Visual Artist Association in Plano or creating a new group. We want to see what is already happening. My job is to find out what other churches are doing.

Doing the Work with Kathy

“The path I travel in life has everything to do with the people to whom I listen and with whom I seek companionship. Some people walk with me and direct me down a wise path. Other people walk with me and direct me towards a path of destruction. Relationships are important because they have everything to with where I wind up in life.” Winston Smith

I wrote my counselor Friday night with an update of my life. She sent me back affirmation and encouragement and a reading assignment; Wisdom in Relationships.

The short of it was based on Proverbs, how to be wise in your relationships using Proverbs as a guide. That is how the book was written as a book of instruction on dealing with people, how to identify the types of people that will lead you a closer walk with God or those who will take you away from him.

The author first points out that if we tend to look at relationships from the world’s point of view we will become disillusioned. If relationships are only about what we desire or need, we will become disillusioned. For believer there needs to be a greater purpose in our relationships. We need to ask ourselves where we want to go in life. Do we seek God’s greater purpose for our lives or our own selfish desires? We need to ask who we need to be walking with. Every day we live at a crossroads. What will we chose? Will we chose wisely?

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