Sunday, March 1, 2009


This is an assignment for class. We had to write about a deadly sin. One of the seven. I chose rage.


For Melanie’s birthday Rachel took her to the Contemporary Museum of Art to an opening. The evening would be their last one together before Melanie’s baby came. Rachel knew the baby would change things. It was a wonderful time. As they walked out into the star covered night and headed towards the car Rachel’s heart was full and happy.

On the way home Melanie opened up to Rachel and shared a story from her past about disappointment in love. Rachel felt close to her friend and grateful she trusted her with intimate details of her life. So when Rachel opened the back door to her house and was confronted by Max her husband she was thrown totally off guard.

“The freakin paint is pink!” Max stood at the doorway and would not let Rachel in. “Pink. What were you thinking when you picked the freakin paint out.”

Rachel’s countenance fell, her stomach turned. She felt ill. Her knees went weak as she slid past Max into the hallway that connects the garage to the kitchen.

In the family room where the finishing touches of the remodeling were underway Rachel looked up at the area Max had been painting to see what he could possibly be talking about.

“The color is ash. It is a gray blue, maybe a hint of purple, but towards the blue.” she explained, “It matches the veins of color in the marble.”

“Freakin’ pink and I don’t know how I am going to freakin’ live with this crap. And I sure as hell am not going to freakin’ paint the stupid room again.”

Max stormed out of the room while tears welded up in Rachel’s eyes and she whispered to herself, “not pink.”

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