Saturday, February 28, 2009

Heart and Soul

That is my name for Sean, my oldest son. He is a delight and a very intense young man. In many ways he always seemed like an adult. His kindergarten teacher told me he talked like an adult. He loves to explain things and I think he should teach. But he loves computer programming and will excel in that I am sure. When he does something he really gets into it.

This photo is of Sean after he helped light Casie's birthday cake. He is wild and wonderful and thinks life should be a birthday cake with as many candles on it as you can get all lit up.

I love his sense of humor and his sweet spirit. He and Casie are a trip to watch together. I hear them laughing all the time. They cook together. They read the news out loud to each other and discuss all kinds of things. I can talk to Sean about anything and he will get it. That is why I call him Heart and Soul. He will do things like talk to a friend on the phone who is bipolar and struggling. He has dealt with depression and has suffered and because of that has compassion on people, the other reason I call him Heart and Soul.

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