Sunday, February 15, 2009

Child’s Play

I am a helper in the second to fourth grade Sunday school class at my church. Today while Gigi my co-worker was teaching I got to watch from the other side of the room. We do these games designed to teach simple truths. We are in a section on the Parables of Jesus. Today we studied the parable of the unforgiving servant from the book of Matthew. (Matthew 18:20-22)

Our game consisted of the kids getting in a small circle so they could all take ahold of a gold metal ring. I was across the room with a green foam star. Gigi explained that the gold metal ring was sin and that we were all connected to each other because we are all sinners. “All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God.”

I wish I had my camera because the expressions on their little faces was classic. There were very disturbed by this revelation, but agreed it was true.

Then Gigi told them the green star I held up was God and they were all separated from God. They began to try to crawl over to God, crying out “We need YOU, we need YOU!”

Gigi said wait a minute you can’t get to God unless I give you something. She then gave them a wooden cut out heart. She said you need a new heart. Then she handed the hearts out saying Jesus died in our place and paid our debt, they were free to run to God.

Which they gratefully did. They all then grabbed on to the green form star and Gigi told them now we are all connected to each other because we belong to God. She asked “How does that feel?”

Much better.

The reality of this escapes some who should know better. Simple enough for a child to grasp.
We are all connected. Think on that.

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