Friday, February 27, 2009



This is Scott's graduation picture. We never got the ones from the studio, it was just a really bad time in our lives. But I took him on a trip to Galveston and took this photo among others. This is by far my favorite. So I guess we really did a graduation picture. I never sent it to family. So many things like this have just slid by me.
Last night Scott stayed up late and cleaned the garage. That is where I paint and he break dances. We keep stuff out there too. There is a constant bickering about "space." All good natured. Tonight since he cleaned the garage I finally put all his or really our art work away. He photographed his work in the process of applying for UNT and UT in art.
I guess if you have to have a mess, it may as well be art. It is EVERYWHERE. In the mean while he wants to throw my old mat cutter out. I want to donate it. He said "we don't have time, just pitch it mom. Is there an emotional attachment here?" I am being GREEN. I replied. Then he starts to sing. "Baby, you can't take it with you to the Promised Land, THROW IT OUT!" See why I call him Sunshine? Needless to say is it leaning up against my work bench waiting for me to take it to Goodwill.

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