Thursday, May 8, 2008

How does your garden grow?

I was maybe ten years old … I am not sure the summer my dad asked me to help him with the vegetable garden. He was raised in the country in the days when everyone had a garden. Growing up in Ohio, most people did. Things like tomatoes, green beans, radishes, carrots, watermelon, pumpkins and squash are easy to grow. I listened careful to his instructions and felt very happy working the soil with him. That is what we did first, turned the soil over and then tilled rows. Next we planted seeds then we watered. For my hard work that day my dad gave me a row of beans that were to be my own. I was to watch over them and pick them when they were ready. It was one of the greatest gifts I was ever given the love of gardening. I love to watch things grow. I love to get out in the sun and weed and trim and make the place in to something more than it was. That row of beans might as well have been magic beans that grew a stock and reached to the sky. Gardening will always be magical to me. And since I have left home I have not really be able to indulge this passion. But I will. For mother’s day I am buying flower for the garden and I am going to plant them and watch them grow. We will see what over the next few months and years that I can do. This is restoration at its best.

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