Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Disunity in the Chuch

That is an interesting phrase. I have heard it often. But I am not sure how it works. I do understand unity. I know what it feels like, looks like. I have seen it work, I have been there when the Spirit shows up. I know the church can be the church. I have seen it in action.

I can't find the post, but a pastor of a 3000 member church dismissed all the member and requested that they rejoin after considering 5 core commitments. Kind of feeds into some of my thoughts about what is church. What does it look like and what should it look like. What is up with the church. What is it that we are supposed to do and I would like to join a church where everyone was thrown out. I would be a trend setter. My 5 core beliefs.

The Gospel front and center
The Bible inerrant
All men are sinners in need of grace
Give yourself away
Get the Big picture

Reinvent yourself and start over because there isn't really much to hold on to in this life.

Be the church.

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