Thursday, September 11, 2008

Life Group

Connections. I meet again the lady who coordinates the Baptist Student Ministries at UTD. Dave my pastor is a former college ministry person and Deb his wife works of Fellowship of Christian Athletes. So, on just that level, this is a good group for me.

Connecting. I went to group and felt comfortable. Afterwards I emailed my family. That may not seem amazing to you, but for me it is another degree of turning from my hurt and reaching out and being open with people. My life had been so full of hurt and fear I have almost been in seclusion. Sometimes I wish I were Georgia O’Keeffe and I could move to New Mexico and paint in isolation for the most part and not deal with much of anything but art. I could do that and probably be relatively happy. I know the artist could. But she really needs some balance here.
This turning and healing is done by degrees. It is like the sun rising slowly day after day lower in the horizon as the season changes. Have you noticed it is getting darker sooner? It is subtle but there is change taking place.

Connected. We talked about money in group. That helped me to hear other people talk. I realized a lot of the fear I had was just fear from never having handled the money and then being responsible. It is in making decisions and having to ask people about things. Slowly I am getting better at that.

We read scripture about God’s role in our lives as far as money goes and it is all good news if you chose to trust and rely on Him.

So in these lean times that is what I am learning. I know I will look back on this one day and be grateful. I need this perspective and I need to see God work on my behalf in this and I think he will. Why? Because of what His word says.

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