Friday, September 12, 2008


My dad asked for some wisdom in his weekly email. So I thought I would share some things I have learned from my dad.
Customer service.
He never meet a stranger, he encourages me to reach out.
He always tells me he loves me. I say it a lot to people I love. I just have to, my heart would burst if I didn’t.
He has the most witty since of humor, I come by it honestly… how much trouble am I in
He survived some of the worst things a person can experience and became as he grew older a very kind and loving person, no bitterness. He was a POW, his father an alcoholic who was abusive and committed suicide. I learned to endure and overcome.
He gave of himself to his community and church. I learned to serve.
He took us on vacation all over the country. I learned to love to travel.
He loves history and good books. I love to learn.
He used to take us sled riding. I learned to love thrills.
He taught me to swim.
He always played with us, I learned to be playful even as an adult.
Whatever he does he does well. I learned how you do something matters.
He loves my mother more than himself. I learned to love.

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