Sunday, September 7, 2008

My weekend in review.

Dinner really did taste good. But the tortilla fell apart when I was dipping them in salsa and rolling them. I had to be very creative. I had salsa and tortilla pieces all over the place. Like between my toes. (the 5 second rule is null and void when food lands between the toes) I wish I had my dog.
I fasted most of the weekend. Did God speak? That is the reason I fast. He did this week in the middle of the week. Said he would deliver me from my distress. That all centers around the job situation. So I am learning to trust.
We talked about money in church. SHOCK. But I was glad because it is on my mind all the time. And I would like to talk openingly about it. I started to tell my parents what is going on with me. I ask for prayer all the time. I get discouraged and upset. I get tired and I can only do so much … so I have to place it in God’s hands.
I worked on my assignments and I taught art then took some photos.

This is what I drew. It is a landscape, abstracted. Looks like a big eye. I may change it. I dunno. There were two new High School girls that are interested in drawing. I had two moms and four little girls and a baby boy in the second class. Crazy but good. They may have learned something.

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