Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Mom Wrote... My Dad Too

She said... the day you were born was cold and the snow was falling. She made me cry. I love her so much.

I had a birthday today. I took off work to go to the doctor, had lunch and then a visit to my lawyer. The crazy way my bosses give personal days makes this option make the most sense. The highlight of day was of course lunch with Brenda. She is an artist friend from UTD and of course we talked art. She is also the director of worship arts at Christ’s Church in Plano. Since they are a liturgical church much of the work involves organizing 280 volunteers a month. So we talked software. She uses a program she really likes. We talked about some of her projects art wise she is involved in and a class she teaches. I plan to write about her Flag project .

She wants me to try to put a class together for the one she teaches. There are so many thing like that I want to do.

I have to have more tests next weeks, not looking forward to that. The trip to my lawyer was emotional. He asks a lot do questions… knows the implications behind events in the past. Just shakes his head as to why mediation was not pursued. The only thing I am pursuing is my landlord who still has not given me my deposit back, it is cut and dry. He broke the law. Today was a milestone and a closed chapter of my life, a little formality known as a will. It wasn’t as difficult as the divorce, but it was emotional.

Today was a beautiful day. Brenda and I ate on the patio and stayed to talk. She always blesses me. She is like gold. I have a peace about me and am resolutely looking to the future.

Isaish 43: 18 - 19

"Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland.”

My Dad's email...
yep it has shown up on our calendar again. little ruth's birthday. i suppose you have gotten our card and note, but i just wanted to re-enforce that with this e-mail. your mother and i have finished our devotions, and as we were talking and praying you were in our midst. november 18, 1955 the big day you came into our family with some of the wrinkles which faded away and you became a squirmy little peach, and you became an instant hit in my existence we fondled and kept you close for all your formative years. then you crept away, but we never lost you. we often wondered how things were going with you but kept a good relationship with you. i have many good remembrances, and some sorrows,but today i have peace for i know that in spite of all the turmoil of the recent year you are been Hanging in there, and thats good. i trust you will continue to 'KNOW WHOM YOU HAVE BELIEVED,A ND KNOW THAT 'HE IS ABLE ' have a blessed day-----IN CHRIST--- you are LOVED! your father

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