Thursday, November 27, 2008

A thanksgiving memory

All My Grand Mother's Cat's were named Tabby.

I found this while looking for files to make my Master Piece of Thanksgiving Memories and More.

Posted on Zanga.

I am cooking dinner and making a list for a shopping trip tomorrow morning. I have my recipe book out and miscellaneous sheets of paper with recipes on them that I think I should one day put neatly into a binder. I think holidays are wonderful for the most part; hopefully they stir good memories, at least a few. I came from a family where holidays meant gathering with my aunts and uncles and cousin for big meals and a lot of laughter. It didn’t matter if it was Christmas or Memorial Day up at the lake we gathered together and ate. I love my family and my extended family they are the best people.

I was thinking way back into my childhood as I peeled potatoes tonight and recalled my aunt and uncles house in Hamilton, Ohio. My uncle was the pastor of the Hamilton Evangelical United Brethren church at that time and they lived in the parsonage. We gathered for thanksgiving there one year. I remember several things about those times. First there were probably 35 of us and the kids were encouraged to play outside while my aunts and grandma cooked, which was fine with me. This one time we climbed apple trees or maybe they were cherry trees. I had never climbed a tree before and if you are about 6 and never have climbed a tree before fruit trees are a great place to start. Except my aunt didn’t think so, I guess they were her fruit trees so we moved on. Next we got the BEST idea. We decided to take my aunt’s cat three flights of stairs up the fire escape on the side of the church and throw her over the top. The theory was cats always landed on their feet. For protection we planned to catch her with a blanket at the bottom. It was to resemble a circus act. I was chosen to hold one edge of the blanket. As the cat fell three flights and oh yes she did turn mid air and proceed feet first, I must have gotten nervous or something I let the blanket slip and the cat free fell to the ground. It was a pitiful noise she let out and everyone screamed at me. Fortunately after my grandmother inspected her, she was pronounced OK, to my great relief. My grandmother had a way a thinking everything we did was amusing and this incident proved to be no less so. She pronounced that her grandchildren were testing to see if cats really did have nine lives. She believed whole heartedly they did. So we came inside and for some reason I am not sure Anita and I made a sauce of flour and milk for the cat. I guess we were feeling bad that we threw her off a building, a church no less. Well, I guess she wasn’t hungry or milk and flour sauce is gross to cats who have experienced severe trauma and she refused it. We responded by pushing her face in it. My grandmother laughed, but at this point we were prohibited from playing with the cat anymore and told to wash up for dinner. I want to take the opportunity this Thanksgiving to apologize to all cats everywhere for the insensitive way I treated them as a six year old. Chow.

Another Zanga Post, BUT not the one I am looking for.........

Happy Thanksgiving. I tend to think about the past on this holiday, like the year in Florida when my niece ruled the TV all weekend and we were forced to watch unending episodes of the Planet of the Ape reruns on TBS' Planet of the Apes Thanksgiving Movie Marathon. She's a psychology major now, maybe there's a correlation, sweet kid, I miss her.
I got my little sister to start her own xanga site. She asks, who would want to read a middle-aged lady's posting? Well I call her the Erma Bombeck from Alabama. She's a hoot when she's on a roll, and she writes better than I do and I have tired to get her to write again for years now. She was diagnosed with leukemia several years ago and much she has to say is about learning to deal with her disease, which as of today there is little to treat her. Fortunately her type of leukemia is slow in progressing and her progression has been even slower than normal. Meanwhile researchers are looking for way to treat it . I don't think about her illness a lot, but yesterday was her birthday (24th) and sometimes I just have to acknowledge she is ill, which I hate.
Visit her and encourage her, pray for her too, it makes a difference, she can always tell.
Now an essay on the happy thanksgiving thing.
I don't think happiness and thanksgiving always relate, true thanksgiving takes place outside of happiness, the kind that God admires anyway.
I am thankful for the concept of thanksgiving; it is way to readjust our thinking and shape it into something that pleases God.
I am thankful for a God whose character causes me to look up and out and beyond myself.
I am thankful for a God who deals with me on every level with an amazing ability to engage me in meaningful ways and change me when I absolutely can or will not. We've walk a lot on that path this year and I can honestly say "thank you Father for delivering me, for healing me emotionally and physically and for giving me a greater sense of purpose and confidence that if You have called me You will enable me."
I am thankful for my little family and that it is just us plus April this year for the holiday. I am grateful for my extended family, whom many will receive the book Boundaries for Christmas from me. Just teasing, we are working on it and things are getting better.
I am thankful for all the ways I am able to express myself and the endless energy I seem to have when I do.
I am thankful for my church family and the amazing group of people I get to work with and all the things the Lord is working out through the church. I am glad to be a part of it.
I closing I am thankful for holidays where pumpkin pies and cranberries are featured.

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