Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Capturing the Unseen

There is a group of photographers I have collected as friends online from all over the world. We connect through our photos and some of us through our faith. I purposely seek out people of faith who use their talent to tell people about God.

There is someone who in particular always touches me with her work. She works with homeless teen who are runaways. Takes their portraits and loves them, tries to let them know there is Hope. Her motto is Capturing the Unseen. I wrote her tonight and she wrote back and asked for prayer. It was one of those God moments. I saw one of her pieces; it is called A message of love sealed with a single tear. It hit me deep inside so I wrote. It is so “weird” how God works. How I am connected to a young girl I have never met, may never meet until heaven and she loves photography, is drawn to the homeless like I am and loves God, walks with Him and struggles.

I planned to write about loving people and taking risks, because love is about taking risks. It feels like speaking in the dark, not knowing if you are heard, understood or loved back sometimes. We shouldn’t wait and expect another to make us feel loved if we aren’t willing to move in their direction. Moving towards another can even feel like being foolish. My Friend reminded me tonight to speak in the dark when prompted by love. She reminded me of the risks we take when we love and walk with someone who struggles, there is no guarantee they won’t disappoint us, but we risk and we walk.

I am so in awe of the God who connects us all.

Live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:1b -2

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