Monday, May 4, 2009

The Tree and the Storm

This is just a little whisper from God. On Sunday we had Communion. We all went up front and took the elements that were "packaged" for us. A very different experience in that. Unfamiliar with the feel and taste of the wafer and the logistics of opening the sealed cup as to not spill its contents, I stood and said a silent prayer, then relatively quickly moved back to my seat. I didn't think I had made much of communion in that I do like to make it memorable. We were asked to think about how communion celebrates community. Since the front of the church was crowded, it did do just that. I just wanted something more is all I can explain. I went to the front with a prayer to enter more fully into community to not hold back from it out of fear of rejection or any other reason.

When I got back to my seat and sat down, I started to think of my short story, or I suspect it was brought to mind, because I "saw" the tree that Rachel huddled under and clung to was in fact the cross and in my story she is being wooed not only by David, but Jesus. It is a pretty strong image in my life, that storm and that Tree and how we all need to go there and meet Him.

Someone recently asked me why creativity is messy. I found some amazing photos that almost explain why, though words nor even images will ever be able to tell this story. Now that's art.

It is about taking risks and not being afraid to shine.

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