Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Multiple Personalities

I Always Wanted to be Martha Stewart
Beat Poet

Pirate FUN!


Black Listed

Mum the anti-Drug

College Student


Drama Queen


Ole and OK

Miss Congeniality
Author, Author


Art History Major (and Drama Queen)

There is a debate, should Christians celebrate Halloween? I am going to, by posting my multiple personalities I have come up with over the years. It is too much fun. So if Halloween means dressing in costumes, having a party and eating food and candy. Go for it. But if you plan to become an occultist I highly suggest you don’t. I pray you have the discernment to know the difference and why one is a non-issues and why one is dangerous. If you can’t tell the difference refrain from it all. This is a former new ager speaking. Please go to a Fall Festival they are all over town.

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