Thursday, October 30, 2008

Need More Sleep

I am too tired to write a poem, too tired to write. I am had an exhausting week, the test in Child Development is hard, so much memory work, like 20 pages, I wrote for 2 and a half hours, then I couldn’t sleep, then I woke up early and could only lay there.
I don’t understand anything; I just keep doing what I think I should do. I cleaned house tonight that means I am stressed.
I walked at lunch today. I danced tonight.
I have pansies to plant in the front flower garden this weekend. I need to replace the soil, black clay with some top soil.
Scott is in Seattle, Sean and I will clean while he is gone, so it stays cleaned for awhile. I want to work on the wall and finish up two papers on mentoring.
I have a short story critiques to do and I have to write a reaction to a short story, saunders who I don’t really like but I waited and that is the choice.
Good Night.

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