Thursday, January 29, 2009

Opps! Did I Say That!!???

People come into the print shop and with an expectation that has been cultivated by a long history with my boss Terry. Terry is a copier genius. I mean that. If it can be done on a copier, she knows how, there is a real art here. And I am not Terry.

Too often that makes people angry like a lady today who wanted hand written notes copied onto stationary. I can do it, but I have to take my time and it makes me nervous. If I mess up I have ruined expensive paper that the customer bought elsewhere. Terry can run it in her sleep with one hand tied behind her back while she talks to a customer on the phone about the price of two colors on linen. OK.

So I tell the lady, "it will take 20 minutes. Are you going to come back?" [insert adult temper tantrum].

Now I want to say, "I am the graphic designer, I can find a font and make a pdf print BLACK. OK. But this will take me 20 minutes." I am glad I can do it with a little trial run on copied stationary cut to fit and lots of trial and error.

I tell her I am not Terry… during the adult temper tantrum. This makes me nervous. I may ruin your paper.

She leaves in a fit. Tom tell my other boss tells me, I don’t have to run it.
But I decide to. I also decide to be nice when the adult temper tantrum returns although I think she is REDICULOUS.

I am sweet. It works. The stationery gets copied and she is happy. She runs into Terry and her mom as they return from lunch. Terry’s mom, former owner of the shop says to me, “Do you want an aspirin?” and smiles.

I just want to get back to the Menu I am updating in my office.

I ask myself and Jesus, “Do I ever act that way?” You would have thought she was our most profitable customer. I think her bill was under $10.00.

I get impatient with fast food people. No adult temper tantrums, but I am think ugly things. To make it worse, I hate fountain sodas. I often I just get a sandwich so I am this under $ 3.00. Big spender and I want million dollar treatment. Reality check here. Why do we do that?

I know I am not the only one. It is Wendy’s not Turtle Creek.
I joined a site on Facebook this week a kindness awareness type thing particularly for women. YEAH!

Let’s be kind to each other. Most of us aren’t the Bank president, but a mom, an administrative assistant, a Customer Service Person, hair stylist, teacher. I am not saying if we were a bank president we would get a pass, but I can see we might think we were above it all.

What does the Bible say? I will make this very, very simple.

Colossians 3:12-14
Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

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