Sunday, January 11, 2009

Snow and Ice

We woke up this morning to more than a dusting of snow. Earlier last night it rained, so underneath there existed patches of ice. This is the worst condition, because the snow is navigable, but the ice patches are dangerous. It is hard to tell. We decided to not venture out on the 45 minute drive to my parent's church.

I slept in and am lazily packing. Once the temperatures rose near noon I decided to go out with Scott's camera taking a prayer walk around the pond, stopping to take pictures. Maybe the best example of prayer walking in the scriptures is from the Psalms, the Psalm of Ascent, Psalms 120 to Psalm 134. They were sung by the Israelites as the made pilgrimage to Jerusalem for feast days. They were sung in preparation for worship. 

I don't sing while I prayer walk, but I think that would be awesome. My prayers are more private. Today I prayed for my parents and I thanked God for who He is. Sometimes it is hard for me to remember He spoke the world into existence. Today as I took photos I marveled at the details of His creation, the ice on the shrub trees full of berries, the ducks on the pond and the way the pond looks frozen with ice and snow. I observed the shape of the snow on the brick path and the patterns it made as the wind blows it across the path. I watched the sun peek through the clouds heavy with more snow. I am glad our God is a God of color and sound, a God of music and speech, texture and wind. 

Psalm 126

A song of ascents.

 1 When the LORD brought back the captives to Zion, 

       we were like men who dreamed.

 2 Our mouths were filled with laughter, 
       our tongues with songs of joy. 
       Then it was said among the nations, 
       "The LORD has done great things for them."

 3 The LORD has done great things for us, 
       and we are filled with joy.

 4 Restore our fortunes, O LORD, 
       like streams in the Negev.

 5 Those who sow in tears 
       will reap with songs of joy.

 6 He who goes out weeping, 
       carrying seed to sow, 
       will return with songs of joy, 
       carrying sheaves with him

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