Sunday, July 20, 2008


or Locust... cicada is more Japanese, not so old south or Biblical. Cicada was my favorite magazine... from Canada. I have a large basket full of haiku journals/mags. I am in most. I don't know if I am a writer. But I have a very strong suspicion I am. It is a compulsion. The thing I like about it most, is writing leaves traces of the person behind. That is hard to explain, like a hand print left behind stating... I have been here. I think I am a writer because I think I have something to say and I am obnoxious enough to do it. I might not tell you to your face, but I will write it here. I am a timid person except when I am behind the the keyboard.

new day
clogs clomp
the cold cement

morning cycle--
only the cicada
and the turn of the wheel

with a heart
the rain

with the wine,
the day's
last light

Cicada volume 5 Issue 3 (1981)

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