Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Old

storm clouds
drive way
awash with oleanders

cira 1987 wind chime issue 22

Heart Stones

sea mist my thoughts diffuse into twilight

off brand empty bottle her children unfed

while I scold the child milk scalds

in line fill out a form my limp son

years now the silent wound won't heal lost breast

in the blue river fog the crow eyes it

heart stone her visit ressurects old feelings

only a rumor between us river murmurs

at the end of the letter white out

off season the begonia start she gave me blooms

cold moon that night a hollow that couldn't be filled


leaving the blame for you he leaves the deep orange sunset

spring sitting in her wildflower garden as the other woman

iris i painted her bare wall new life

morning star until it rises

late in summer as air lightens a swollen sundown

lace heart scent she sent in a box of maternity clothes

transition: his name in each breath

tornado watch black clouds split the sky

5 'oclock shadow in need of sleep sunburn

red eye leaving the dark jeweled city below

Note:Blogger looses a lot of the formatting and thus looses some of the art.

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