Thursday, July 17, 2008

FLA, God's Hand and Saturday

pouring the candle wax
the sky settles
into a peach dusk

thunder in the skin scent
we open the curtains
to watch the rain

window to the pines
where we watch
the mouring dove

in the wetness
after the rain
the frog's rain song

sand against my skin
from the sea oats
the cicada grating

Wind Chimes number 3

It helps to know these were written in Florida taking in the sights and sound and feel of the place. It is another culture than here, a slower pace, more relaxed and for me focused on the rythmn of life. I felt closer to nature and I lived in the boonies, 10 minutes from the Indian River, 15 minutes from the beach. I lived in flip flops and I learned to be a sky watcher. If you are one, you know exactly what I mean.

I had a difficult week, but there were so many pratical lessons there I am grateful for a better perspective.

The biggest thing is more and more I am letting go and forgiving. I am enduring in God's strength, I realize this because my life is very difficult right now and I don't know how I am doing it. I am not on my own, it is the Lord. That is something to boast in.

I haven't talked about Saturday and my little art class. It is divine and heart ache and I found out the young girl with the blue apples went back into a physically abusive situation. I was surprised, I always am. I grieve. I can only pray and she is on my mind.

I spent an hour with my mentee and we just talked and drew. The deadline for the art school has passed, but she is going to try to apply anyway. There is no art this year for her because art funding is cut. So I am determind she and I will have art all year, if I can manage it.

Second hour we were full. Four ladies and their kids, about 7 from babies to 10 years old. So it got crazy and I quit drawing, I stopped talking and listened.

When they left they thanked me profusely and said it relieved some stress to be there and draw with oils pastels. We just explored the medium. I was surprised by this. I think they meant for an hour they forgot their troubles. I encouraged them to return, craziness and all.

It was priceless.

Then I explored the city.... in the heat.

My sister sent me a Mary Englebright picture that says... Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. That is art ministry.

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