Monday, July 28, 2008

More and Mentor

spiritual, writing and life

KEY WEST: renga

garland women
open the steamed clams (bb)

jazz trumpet
jasmine in bloom (re)

notches on the spine
searching for shells (bb)

the way darkens
in the orchids (re)

rattling a half shell
reggae (bb)

Siamese eye
In the crate on the porch (re)

Reciting a sutra
I lift the scalding grease (bb)

The snow shoe crab
by the rusting tire rim (re)

a gull on the pier
becomes the next line in the renga (bb)

into the smell of the lilac (re)

Wind Chimes Number 5 Summer 1982

B. and D. came to visit 2 months before I got sober. B. is like an overprotective brother and was not happy with my ex. His take, you married her, so be married. He took it personally as my older brother. When I went into counseling D. called me up and asked me to come live with them and get away from him. She was very concerned for me and wanted me in a better place. I stayed to work out the marriage.

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