Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Door Bell Rings at little After Nine.........

It is Bryant, another son. Incase you haven't taken all into account I have many. He stops by to pick up the purple painting he left. He started this week at Christ for the Nations and joined an ART MINISTRY group. They are having a show soon. He is working on something at school and wanted to submit the purple one too. I asked him to keep me in the loop. I want to go to the show and am interested in their ministry. I am just trying to discover what people in the DFW area are doing art ministry wise. Although I am back at Willow Bend I feel the need to visit churches with this purpose, to find out what is going on.
Bryant stays and talks awhile. I sense he wants me to be transparent when he asks, "How are you?" So I tell him some of my struggles. He asks to pray for me. This is the second time this week God has sent someone to pray for me......... something must be up. We decide God is stretching us and we will praise him in the midst of it and learn what is is He wants us to learn. In the mean time Bryant asks that I be granted endurance and hope. He says in the end I will know why I went through this time.......... for a greater good. (Joesph, I am thinking)

A Sundry of Things

I’ve got my text book in hand, Making Your Own Days: The Pleasures of Reading and Writing Poetry by Kenneth Koch. I am loving this book. Makes me think maybe I should teach literature when I grow up. I just want to know more and more. When I took Reading and Writing Text it was to prepare you for grad school and beyond. Our teacher explained for the PhD we would need to read hundreds of books on our area of expertise and then write from that in a period of about a week. We could have all our books there but we needed to have them organized and our ideas link to the text we got them from. She showed us how to set up for that great task and encouraged us to go for the higher degree. I got an A in that class against all odds. That is always in the back of my mind. At one time I thought that what next was seminary. Having been disqualified from that I tease my counselor who urges me to pursue Biblical Counseling, maybe I could get into SMU. We laugh, the Methodist don’t use divorce as a litmus test. The way my divorce went down, I am disqualified from a Baptist education which is what I would want.
I have another year or more as an undergraduate, so I have decided to not worry about that for while.
I like to dream about what I will do when I grow up and graduate while I struggle to make ends meet.
I have a cup of Vietnamese coffee in hand. The salesman from work gives me coffee bags from a restaurant he visits on his rounds; Café Chez Moi is the brand. I really like it and am savoring its flavor now.
In the background the weather channel is on with news from New Orleans and concerns for FLA where my family is; Sarasota and Bradenton.
In between study I attack the wall in the bathroom. One day I really will finish it. I am known for persistence. Good thing.

hawk in the dead cedar tree the marl* road

can't sleep cricket's cry pierces the stars

frogpond Volume X Number 3 August 1987
the last of the haiku I think, well the old ones.

*marl roads made from asphalt and crushed sea shells

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Haiku to go

coquina stone fresh with sea
in grandfather's
weather beaten hand

morning-glory opens
but I can't reach
for grandmother's hand

The first is written about my father. There is nothing in the world I enjoy more than looking for shell and things with my dad on the beach. He has the most amazing shark tooth collection.

The second was written about my grandmother after she died. She loved flowers and had a green thunb, she could make anything grow. There were morning glories that grew up around a post in the front of her lakefront cottage. I remember seeing them bloom after she died and it just made my heart ache.

Haiku about memories that don't leave us are some of the best. Something happens, we see something, smell something and we are transported back to then.


from the church
amongst divorce papers

to Matisse

the resilient
against all odds

I took out "ideas" and added images. Dropped some "the"s.

Friday, August 29, 2008


the letter
from the church
among the divorce papers

you asked me
to wait
how long?

against all odds
an open

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Over the last two weeks I have connected to old friends. One even sought me out, a former art ministry kid. You have no idea what that means to me.
But what it has done is make me feel more like myself, less afraid and more confident. I feel oriented like I have been disoriented and lost.
I went to my Life Group and felt the same way. Like a piece of the puzzle that is the church. I am the one with red flip flops, who takes notes and wanted to be quiet and hide, but could not.
I know these seem endless, but the stack of books is growing small and I will just have to write new ones. I don’t think I will try to publish yet, I don’t have the time at the moment.
These were the first haiku I ever had published. They were accepted 4 at a time only. It took me 6 months and many rejection letters to get 4. I learned to never give up when you want to do something from this experience. This was a little victory that taught me endurance. Good thing huh?

December sunset
beside the construction site
shanty daisies

the hawk
and me

only rocking calms me
ocean wave
ocean wave

only the rain windowed day

You can see a lot of traditional poetry in them. I would have to learn how to rid myself of that and stick to images that resonate.
The editor wrote and asked what a shanty daisy was. I paniced because it was the last verse accepted and I had worked so hard. My mom called black eyed Susans shanty daisies. But I couldn't find a reference to it. Finally in the library somewhere I found it … slang from who knows when. A shanty is a black eye. I used it because it referenced shanty, an old shack in contrast to the contruction that was over grown or invading nature.
I like to look up words in the dictionary. I should do it more.
I have to write for class. We have to use pencils. Too bad, it is a brain thing.

My Call Revisited

Called And Asking Questions- I am answering a call to Women’s Evangelism.

It is Springtime. I was thinking about my relationship with the Lord and how I have a great sense of His presence. He showed me this week it was due to my great need for Him. It is out of those things I lack, unmet needs, hurts, estrangement and conflict. Those things that drive me to Him, drive me to my knees and account for the blessings I receive.
He has shown me my great need makes me have compassion on those whose needs are greater than mine, those who don't know Him. It reminds me it isn't by merit that He allows me to come so often into His presence, but by grace and mercy alone. It is out of a great need that the Lord supplies me with tenderness and companionship. From the emptiness of my life, He fills me up. Against weariness, doubt, and longing, He pours out His love, acceptance, and guidance. There is a hope because He is near and He is faithful. In Him I am complete.

When I asked Jesus to be My Lord and Savior I discovered my life motive was

“to encourage other people to have a closer walk with Christ, to live in the Spirit, or to live out the Word.”

Since then I have also discovered the things that motivate me, situations that I enjoy, excel in, or treasure.
I am driven to write and communicating God’s Word and what He is doing in my life. I am continually learning. I love to study and learn new things. I love to draw, paint, design, and create. I am happiest when I am teaching or training other. I consider my self a small group discipler. I treasure my friends and enjoy building relationships with others.
The opportunity to design the stained glass window and write about it has all of these elements in them so, it isn’t surprising that it was a peak experience for me. Writing about the window for me is an invitation to know Christ better and to understand His glory and what it means.
I have learned my giftedness isn't the same as my calling. It is what I am asked to bring to my call. My calling fulfills the motivation of my heart. It is the passion God has placed there. It is my purpose.

I have refined my Life Mission Statement to be:

“I want to be the best spokes person for Jesus Christ that I can be, to creatively expressing Him to others. And to encourage others to know Christ in a deeper way and to experience the presence of God in a powerful life changing way.”

I am a teacher who writes. an artist who teaches

Confirmation- Among the watercolors- Written to the WEM Team Dec 30, 2002 (corrected)

Dear Ladies,
I just spent 3 days at Women’s Evangelism Training at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth. The second day, I was walking through their beautiful new leadership education building while I was on break. I decided to rest my overflowing mind and look at all the watercolors that lined the halls. I also found the round stained glass windows that hang over the lobby areas on each side of the building. I had interviewed the artist who had created them when we were looking for an artist to do our window. It was exciting to see the windows up close. As I strolled I was asking God what He wanted me to do. I had come to the training determined to be open to whatever the Lord spoke to me about. And as you know, He had been speaking to my heart about humility and pride again. But this time, He whispered to me, “Be beautiful. Can you be beautiful for me?” That really does something to your heart when you hear that from the Lord. “Yes,” I said, “I want to be beautiful for you.” And I really believe He can do that in me. I was impressed that He ask nothing of me or gave me nothing “to do.” He just told me how He wanted me to be.

And as you would have it, the teachings I heard that day were detailed in how to be that beautiful, spirit-filled over flowing woman, a woman who leaves a fragrance wherever she goes. And these teachings were presented by the most lovely woman. Their passion for the Lord had them in tears every time they spoke. I came expecting polished speakers. They may have been. I didn’t notice, because all I could see was their transparency and openness to what God could do through them. Be comforted in knowing what kind of woman inhabits the leadership of our convention. I was blown away..

What God was showing me is how concerned I am about how I am perceived and if I am received by others or not. When what the Lord wants to do is use me to tell others about him. I was able to share that in confession in one of our breakout prayer times. I could see clearly how my self concern, which is a form of pride, keeps God from working through me.

I have been concerned about being received because of the difficult seasons in women’s ministry. I had seen things in leadership that grieved me. I was hard pressed to find anyone who was even willing to pray with me. I was untrained, unconnected, without support. But I was called, so somehow I walked through it. I called it the dark night of my soul. I was wounded. I don’t think the women I served with understood how badly wounded I was. And it has been pride that has kept me from admitting my hurt, dealing with it, confessing it, and then going on to forgiveness. My pride almost kept me from going forward. It was why I took three months off. But I am determined to keep on and my three months off was the best thing I ever did. I have really tried to get “over it.” I have tried to bless the ones who hurt me, serve the ones who didn’t actively support me. I have tired to forgive. I really don’t think being able to shake this is totally a forgiveness issue. It’s also a confidence thing. I have felt pretty inadequate and God has allowed other people to confirm that in me by things they have said. It is an arrow that Satan has effectively used to hold me back, keep me in fear, and make me plan just want to run and hide. It is hurtful to hear those things about yourself, but there was something in those things God was trying to teach me. And it is s this: the only hope I have is in what those lovely ladies taught this weekend about being a leader and living for Jesus. I will never be polished enough, or administrative enough. But I will try to learn some of that because I serve in Plano and it is something people value and respect. But I will be transparent, and I will weep with those who weep, and mourn with those who mourn. I will celebrate your victories and cheer you on. I will take risks and put myself in places where I can be wounded again. Because I am called, I cannot retreat, or retire. My only hope is to be a vessel for the Lord. Any success I have will be because I have yielded and allowed God to work through me. I know the only way I can speak is if He fills me. And I am called to speak, because He was given me things to say. I can try to argue like Moses that I am not eloquent to speak. To that He would say, I will be with you and I will give you the words.

Thursday late the leaders asked us to go off by ourselves and let God speak to us. We then got together and read the scripture passage He used to speak to us this week. My verse was from Isaiah 62

“For Zion's sake I will not keep silent , And for Jerusalem's sake I will not keep quiet, Until her righteousness goes forth like brightness, And her salvation like a torch that is burning. And the nations will see your righteousness, And all kings your glory; And you will be called by a new name, Which the mouth of the Lord will designate. You will also be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, And a royal diadem in the hand of your God. It will no longer be said to you, "Forsaken," Nor to your land will it any longer be said, "Desolate"; But you will be called, "My delight is in her," And your land, "Married"; For the Lord delights in you, And to Him your land will be married. For as a young man marries a virgin, So your sons will marry you; And as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, So your God will rejoice over you.”

On my own, I will fall flat on my face. I realized I am stepping into something much bigger than myself and I need to leave that self concern and hurt behind. I am stepping into something beyond myself and I can only get there in faith. I can only do the tasks before me in His strength.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Divine Encounter

I do a business card layout for a woman I will call Shannon.* When she picked it up I askd her what she did. The business name is Re-wire Productions. She said she was filming a documentary. For some reason… I asked her, “is it faith based?” She said yes and no. Then went on to explain that until recently she and her husband owned a fast food franchise. What she is doing now is after she got an idea in in a Bible study group, Beth Moore’s Daniel, she is taking a group of women to India to film a documentary. She talked about discovering your friendly captivity. This is hard to explain because she only has bits and pieces of what she is doing. God is opening doors and she is walking through them. The whole time she talked I had godbumps all over me. I encouraged her that she was listening to God. Be encouraged.
The friendly captivity is being caught up in the comfort zone. She wanted to open them up to the third world.
The premise is, she is taking a group of well connected Dallas woman to a third world nation. Through the work of a faith based project they are exploring the lives of the women in India they come in contact with. Shannon is interested in what these American business women will do in response to this encounter, their response to each other. Some are believers, some are not.
My connection to Shannon was the process which God is speaking to her. No clear picture, but as doors open, walking through them. I told her about art ministry and the work at the shelter. She asked if she could pray for me. She thanked God for the divine encounter; it was obvious to us both. Then she prayed that like Joseph I would be restored.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I Believe

God will take care of me.
I am in good hands.
I have lunch with a friend today.
I will be about my Father's business.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Finally into Words... Rape

before her mirror
checking for
missing parts

morning paper
morning coffee
my mourning in black and white

sister like
my own body
sleeping again with the lights on

picking shell
from a broken egg
finally her tears

Wind Chimes Number 11 1984

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Timeless or on Time?

Changing my mind
about the way
I relate
to the thoughts behind my heart
pictures I’ve saved.

Rewriting the story line
choosing between
the lies and
the meaning between the lines
the meaning that I find
in you
changing my mind

Changing my mind
about the way
I translate
you behind my heart
words scribbled down

Started out harmless
got tangled and wired
gives me a sinking feeling
leaves me in the mire
keeps me second guessing
puts me on the edge
seems like you’re always messing
with my head

changing my mind
about the way
I tempt fate
trying to escape behind my heart
parts of you I’ve saved.

Rewriting the story line
choosing between
the lies and
the meaning between the lines
the meaning that I find
in you
changing my mind


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Thoughts During a Fast and the Burden of Scott’s heart… a Haiku Series and a Long Title

Moon still
Full of anger

My breath heavy

Winter locust
Cut into the chill

Bare dawn
Who we really are

Wind Chimes Number 14 1984

Thursday, August 21, 2008

rain left the wind fresh and an answer

Cicada’s lull
A leaf falls
On a rock

Wind Chimes Number 23

If I helped today it was because of what my dad wrote.

"I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow human being let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."

Then the Bible says:
James 4:17 NIV

Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.

That is all for tonight.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More Haiku

I wrote a How to article on Senyru tonight. I will share it when it gets published. Those are haiku that deal with human nature alongside nature.

I did something tonight that was so good for my soul. I got together with a friend whom I have voluntarily kept myself from so to not appear to cause trouble or disrespect. It has been 18 months. She has been really hurting the whole time over some really difficult circumstances. I knew I just needed to meet her and listen. I did. And I was right. She needed that. So did I. She told me there was no where in the Bible that says I should be treated like a leaper. I appreaciate that. I haven't really hidden. I decided right off to not hide, but I have not contacted friends. I do not feel like I have to refrain anymore. But that doesn't mean I have an agenda. I don't but as I feel led I plan to contact people. See it is very risky for me. I do not want to do anything or go anywhere I am not wanted. I refuse to put myself through anything like that again. So I am very cautious having been humilated. I think there are only certain people I trust with my presence and friendship. They have earned my trust and I really need in God's time to connect. I will.
This feels very good to me. After all aren't we all in Christ?

back to the haiku

newmoon in the earth scent rain

moonlit marsh the bloom of arrowhead

frogpond Volumne XI Number 2 May 1988

Monday, August 18, 2008

From my dad.........

hi Ruth. it was good to hear your voice and to talk to you for a few
minutes last evening. you have been in my thoughts today so i will send
this note to perhaps cheer you up---or something---i have carried this
"quote" in my wallet for many years, and i will share it with you. .who
wrote it don't know, but i read it often and have tried to follow the
thought in this "quote" as much as i can. here it is ----and i quote."I
expect to pass through this world but once, any good that i can do, or
any kindness can show, to any fellow creature--let me do it now. for i
shall not pas this way again." i have never known the person who first
said these words, but i value them very much and try to do the 'LITTLE
THINGS" as i can. you are like -minded. keep it up! i send MUCH LOVE!
your father.

I found the quote and author

I shall not pass this way again...
"I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing,
therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow human
being let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not
pass this way again."

Stephen Grellet, 1773-1855
French-born Quaker Minister

morning fog
my own voice
fades at the heart

Modern haiku Vol. XIII, No. 2 Summer 1982

I have had an interesting day, I need therapy.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Antithesis of where I find myself now, but always my temptation to fall back into this person

sun falling
into the marshland's edge
where else to go,
but follow
when the heart
goes out

May 24, 1982
final issue


moon rises each night
brighter by degrees
in the southern sky
we breathe its twilight
and know
its light
reflects a greater source
and knows
the All of all things
it does not hide
but shines
because it
was made
to shine
and rise
and fall
in its own
we breath

Monday, August 11, 2008


There's a place of quiet stillness 'tween the light and shadows reach
Where the hurting and the hopeless seek everlasting peace
Words of men and songs of angels whisper comfort bittersweet
Mending grief and life eternal where joy and sorrow meet

There is a place where hope remains
In crowns of thorns and crimson stains
And tears that fall on Jesus' feet
Where joy and sorrow meet

There's a place the lost surrender and the weary will retreat
Full of grace and mercy tender in times of unbelief
For the wounded there is healing, strength is given to the weak
Broken hearts find love redeeming where joy and sorrow meet

There's a place of thirst and hunger where the roots of faith grow deep
And there is rain and rolling thunder when the road is rough and steep
There is hope in desperation there is victory in defeat
At the cross of restoration where joy and sorrow meet

This was sung at the service at Prestonwood yesterday.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


around the moon
my faint heart

Psalm 61:1-5
Hear my cry, O God;
listen to my prayer.
From the ends of the earth I call to you,
I call as my heart grows faint;
lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
For you have been my refuge,
a strong tower against the foe.
I long to dwell in your tent forever
and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.
For you have heard my vows, O God;
you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Marble paper, what happened to the craft paint we used and why Martha Stewart Rules.

I am writing an article for eHow on how to make Marble Paper. Easy, so I thought. I did this with my friend Kathy at an art festival at Brevard Community College, FLA, when I was an art assistant and getting my associate degree. Hundred of kids made paper with us that day. NO PROBLEM. Well after 3 kinds of paint, I kinda, sorta, maybe made it work. SO this would never happen to Martha, because she rules and when I am doing these activities, I think being her would be helpful. I am not sure why I feel the need to do arts and crafts. Lindsey and I just need to make small pointless crafts. I loved her fruit beanies, she never did make me one. I digress. So this is kind of a confession. Seriously I was going to try and do this at the center with the complete chaos group, so glad I decided to practice. Well more practice is in order until I find the magical paint that floats on water, swirling into beautiful patterns and adhering brilliantly to the paper.

I have a haiku poem. It is a series.

Cold Front Tea

distant in the treeline
kettle half full

threatening clouds
linger along
steam from the kettle

before the rain
smelling it

in the first
cold breeze
pouring tea

out into the drizzle
for daisies
to float in a glass bowl

to the bone
sipping tea

Wind Chimes 21

Monday, August 4, 2008

Haiku retort


new moon
into focus the bird of paradise
that never bloomed

distant lightening
my Japanese iris
curls closed

cirrus clouds
catch the last light
marigold on finger tips

sun ascends
burning off the haze
i awaken

for b.b.

Wind Chimes 21

I wrote this as a response to my mentor's previous submission to the magazine dedicated to me with a subtle slam. I had just become a believer and it was like I betrayed him. I do not have what he wrote... I threw it away with all the teachings I had that he had written. They were a snare to me and an idol that I needed to burn. My retort referenced my deep disappointment in the new age teachings I had embraced. The the last haiku should read Son instead of sun.

I was alive in Christ, but not very good at handling my complex relationship with my mentor. We part ways at this point. I wrote him a series of letters at his sister's request and only succeeded in making him hate me. I stopped when he met his wife. I only saw him when his mother was having surgery to remove a brain tumor, my sister in law was with me. She waited outside of the ICU while I was taken in as Fern's daugther. I was family.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

just turned to Sunday

solitary star
only hope can know

I was going to leave this poem by itself but I have somethings to say. First from my Bible study on Judges and an incident with Scott. After a huge disappointment that angered him, he says, "they can't take the experience away from me. I learned a lot and I am glad for that."

The question from my Bible study was what does God want to use, a gift, an experience... I realized I cannot let people take from me what I have learned, earned as I was diligent in all I did . I am just that way. Everyone who knows me knows that, to almost a fault, miss compulsive. I guess I see God can do whatever he wants to with that, I certainly will not get in the way with unbelief.

The lesson really was on when God tells us to do something do we put conditions on it. Boy am I tempted to. I have done numerous things in the past I believe were in obedience to God that did not turn out well. So I am a little hesitant. Even as I think of Paul being thrown out of cities, beaten and if God says go back into the city and teach, he did. He went to Jerusalem knowing he would be arrested. Hesitancy is the same as disobedience. I think of Good Friday. How costly it is to follow Christ. So I struggle.