Monday, August 18, 2008

From my dad.........

hi Ruth. it was good to hear your voice and to talk to you for a few
minutes last evening. you have been in my thoughts today so i will send
this note to perhaps cheer you up---or something---i have carried this
"quote" in my wallet for many years, and i will share it with you. .who
wrote it don't know, but i read it often and have tried to follow the
thought in this "quote" as much as i can. here it is ----and i quote."I
expect to pass through this world but once, any good that i can do, or
any kindness can show, to any fellow creature--let me do it now. for i
shall not pas this way again." i have never known the person who first
said these words, but i value them very much and try to do the 'LITTLE
THINGS" as i can. you are like -minded. keep it up! i send MUCH LOVE!
your father.

I found the quote and author

I shall not pass this way again...
"I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing,
therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow human
being let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not
pass this way again."

Stephen Grellet, 1773-1855
French-born Quaker Minister

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