Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Marble paper, what happened to the craft paint we used and why Martha Stewart Rules.

I am writing an article for eHow on how to make Marble Paper. Easy, so I thought. I did this with my friend Kathy at an art festival at Brevard Community College, FLA, when I was an art assistant and getting my associate degree. Hundred of kids made paper with us that day. NO PROBLEM. Well after 3 kinds of paint, I kinda, sorta, maybe made it work. SO this would never happen to Martha, because she rules and when I am doing these activities, I think being her would be helpful. I am not sure why I feel the need to do arts and crafts. Lindsey and I just need to make small pointless crafts. I loved her fruit beanies, she never did make me one. I digress. So this is kind of a confession. Seriously I was going to try and do this at the center with the complete chaos group, so glad I decided to practice. Well more practice is in order until I find the magical paint that floats on water, swirling into beautiful patterns and adhering brilliantly to the paper.

I have a haiku poem. It is a series.

Cold Front Tea

distant in the treeline
kettle half full

threatening clouds
linger along
steam from the kettle

before the rain
smelling it

in the first
cold breeze
pouring tea

out into the drizzle
for daisies
to float in a glass bowl

to the bone
sipping tea

Wind Chimes 21

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