Thursday, August 28, 2008

Over the last two weeks I have connected to old friends. One even sought me out, a former art ministry kid. You have no idea what that means to me.
But what it has done is make me feel more like myself, less afraid and more confident. I feel oriented like I have been disoriented and lost.
I went to my Life Group and felt the same way. Like a piece of the puzzle that is the church. I am the one with red flip flops, who takes notes and wanted to be quiet and hide, but could not.
I know these seem endless, but the stack of books is growing small and I will just have to write new ones. I don’t think I will try to publish yet, I don’t have the time at the moment.
These were the first haiku I ever had published. They were accepted 4 at a time only. It took me 6 months and many rejection letters to get 4. I learned to never give up when you want to do something from this experience. This was a little victory that taught me endurance. Good thing huh?

December sunset
beside the construction site
shanty daisies

the hawk
and me

only rocking calms me
ocean wave
ocean wave

only the rain windowed day

You can see a lot of traditional poetry in them. I would have to learn how to rid myself of that and stick to images that resonate.
The editor wrote and asked what a shanty daisy was. I paniced because it was the last verse accepted and I had worked so hard. My mom called black eyed Susans shanty daisies. But I couldn't find a reference to it. Finally in the library somewhere I found it … slang from who knows when. A shanty is a black eye. I used it because it referenced shanty, an old shack in contrast to the contruction that was over grown or invading nature.
I like to look up words in the dictionary. I should do it more.
I have to write for class. We have to use pencils. Too bad, it is a brain thing.

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