Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Door Bell Rings at little After Nine.........

It is Bryant, another son. Incase you haven't taken all into account I have many. He stops by to pick up the purple painting he left. He started this week at Christ for the Nations and joined an ART MINISTRY group. They are having a show soon. He is working on something at school and wanted to submit the purple one too. I asked him to keep me in the loop. I want to go to the show and am interested in their ministry. I am just trying to discover what people in the DFW area are doing art ministry wise. Although I am back at Willow Bend I feel the need to visit churches with this purpose, to find out what is going on.
Bryant stays and talks awhile. I sense he wants me to be transparent when he asks, "How are you?" So I tell him some of my struggles. He asks to pray for me. This is the second time this week God has sent someone to pray for me......... something must be up. We decide God is stretching us and we will praise him in the midst of it and learn what is is He wants us to learn. In the mean time Bryant asks that I be granted endurance and hope. He says in the end I will know why I went through this time.......... for a greater good. (Joesph, I am thinking)

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