Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Sundry of Things

I’ve got my text book in hand, Making Your Own Days: The Pleasures of Reading and Writing Poetry by Kenneth Koch. I am loving this book. Makes me think maybe I should teach literature when I grow up. I just want to know more and more. When I took Reading and Writing Text it was to prepare you for grad school and beyond. Our teacher explained for the PhD we would need to read hundreds of books on our area of expertise and then write from that in a period of about a week. We could have all our books there but we needed to have them organized and our ideas link to the text we got them from. She showed us how to set up for that great task and encouraged us to go for the higher degree. I got an A in that class against all odds. That is always in the back of my mind. At one time I thought that what next was seminary. Having been disqualified from that I tease my counselor who urges me to pursue Biblical Counseling, maybe I could get into SMU. We laugh, the Methodist don’t use divorce as a litmus test. The way my divorce went down, I am disqualified from a Baptist education which is what I would want.
I have another year or more as an undergraduate, so I have decided to not worry about that for while.
I like to dream about what I will do when I grow up and graduate while I struggle to make ends meet.
I have a cup of Vietnamese coffee in hand. The salesman from work gives me coffee bags from a restaurant he visits on his rounds; Café Chez Moi is the brand. I really like it and am savoring its flavor now.
In the background the weather channel is on with news from New Orleans and concerns for FLA where my family is; Sarasota and Bradenton.
In between study I attack the wall in the bathroom. One day I really will finish it. I am known for persistence. Good thing.

hawk in the dead cedar tree the marl* road

can't sleep cricket's cry pierces the stars

frogpond Volume X Number 3 August 1987
the last of the haiku I think, well the old ones.

*marl roads made from asphalt and crushed sea shells

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